Reduce systemic damage and start feeling better!
Join leading expert in integrative medicine, Dr. Isaac Eliaz, as he describes the protein Galectin 3, its ancient role in survival, and how it affects your current lifestyle. Dr. Eliaz specializes in cancer, detoxification, immunity, and complex conditions, and brings special insight on how lowering Galectin 3 levels can benefit longevity and health.
Listen to this episode to start living a longer and more vibrant life!
Galectin 3 is a carbohydrate-binding protein that Dr. Eliaz has been researching for almost 30 years. Dr. Eliaz calls it the “Survival Paradox protein,” due to its role in the body’s survival response. When we go into survival mode, Galectin 3 produces a coating within the microbiome that can hide bacteria and other essential organisms inside us, as well as heavy metals, toxins, viruses, and more.
When the stress from the survival response starts, it takes a while to turn off, and unless we quiet down that alarm, our bodies can’t detoxify what’s inside. This can lead to inflammation, immune system dysregulation, and other dysfunctions.
Many things can spike Galectin 3 production including emotional stress, physical trauma, a minor injury, or even emotional and psychological scars can increase Galectin 3, cause further damage, and lengthen the healing process. But once the system quiets down, less Galectin 3 is released. As the levels go down, the systemic response goes down, and the body can start to break down those barriers and start the detoxification process.
As we age, experience trauma, and repair our bodies, Galectin 3 levels can change. Younger individuals tend to have less Galectin 3 than people in their 70s and 80s. However, everyone’s levels are different.
Checking Galectin 3 levels is not only a prognostic indicator for the future. It can also help doctors follow a patient’s disease and how they are responding to treatment. Generally speaking, people with chronic illness can expect higher Galectin 3 levels. However, that is not always the case, as certain disease leads to lower levels even when someone is ill, such as lyme disease..
It’s not something that you can get through food, and it can work in conjunction with other treatments, such as protein or radiation therapy. Patients with higher Galectin 3 have a harder time responding to treatment, so Dr. Eliaz sometimes uses PectaSol to help lower Galectin 3 levels in order to help the body heal itself.
Reduce the damage to your body and learn how to lower your Galectin 3 now!
Dr. Isaac Eliaz is a leading expert in the field of integrative medicine, specializing in cancer, detoxification, immunity, and complex conditions. He is a respected physician, researcher, best-selling author, educator, and mind-body practitioner. Dr. Eliaz partners with leading research institutes including Harvard, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Columbia, and others, to co-author studies on integrative therapies for cancer, heavy metal toxicity, and others.
The Survival Paradox book: First two chapters for FREE at
Detox Rescue Bundle (PectaSol + GlyphoDetox): Get a 15% Discount with the Promo Code “WTRUBOW15” at
© Copyright 2025 Five Journeys®. All rights reserved.
At home.
Blood, Urine, or Ticks
may have a $200 copay
Covered by most insurance.
At home or in lab.
Depending on insurance coverage.
At home.
Depending on insurance coverage.
At home.
Depending on insurance coverage.
At home.
Depending on insurance coverage.
At home.
Depending on insurance coverage.
This is a comprehensive stool test that relies on quantitative polymerase chain
reaction (qPCR) technology to detect parasites, bacteria, H. pylori, fungi, and more by targeting the specific DNA of the organisms tested. Click here for more information.
At home.
Depending on insurance coverage.
At home.
Blood and Urine
$179 – $439
Depending on insurance coverage.
$85-$225 depending on insurance coverage.
At Home
Fully covered by Medicare. Repeat test prices $249
This test evaluates the genetic profile for multiple health indicators. Click here for more information.
At home
Blood Spot
This company can test for lyme, babesia, bartonella and additional tick-borne illnesses. Click here for more information.
around $1600 (depends on panel selected)
Blood work for blood count, urinalysis and vitamin levels.
At any Quest Diagnostics Location
You often have to fast for these tests-please check your providers notes.
This test evaluates many measures including micronutrients, antioxidants, minerals, detox, overview of gut function, omegas and toxic exposure. Click here for more information.
At home.
$150 – $329
This test evaluates the gut function and indicates microbiome balance, overgrowth, infection, inflammation, parasites and digestive efficacy. Click here for more information.
$179-$439 depending on insurance coverage.
This test evaluates the presence of potentially harmful heavy metals stored in the body. Click here for more information.
Testing: $79 x2 paid to Doctor’s Data
DMSA: $38 paid to Johnson’s Compounding Pharmacy
No insurance coverage
This test is designed to look at food sensitivities (IgG immune responses). It is available in both a 99 or 184 panel. Click here for more information.